
7 October 2014

Nation's MPs don't meet government health guidelines

The government has specific health guidelines it suggests we follow for a healthy lifestyle, but a new study reveals even MPs struggle to meet them. The health and lifestyle choices of ...
6 October 2014

Moderate alcohol intake affects sperm quality

Just five units of alcohol, around four pints, could diminish a man's opportunity of children, according to new research. The more alcohol consumed, the weaker the quality of sperm, finds ...
6 October 2014

Health nutritionist explains the importance of juicing

Madeleine Shaw is a well-known nutritionist and health coach, plus she's best friends with Millie Mackintosh, and she wants to encourage people to enjoy fruit and vegetable juices as part ...
5 October 2014

Hypo Awareness Week: Manage your diabetes to reduce your risk

In light of Hypo Awareness Week (29 Sept – 5 Oct), London Bridge Hospital has rolled out its campaign to raise awareness of hypoglycaemia (a medical emergency that involves an abnormally diminished ...
4 October 2014

How healthy is your cholesterol?

Six in 10 adults have raised cholesterol – are you one of them? This month is Heart UK’s National Cholesterol month, but how many of us know this important figure? Cholesterol ...
3 October 2014

Stoptober: The facts about being addicted to smoking

During October, thousands of people across England are taking part in Stoptober - a 28 day challenge to stop smoking. This initiative supports people to go a whole month during ...
3 October 2014

World Smile Day: How to get whiter teeth

It's World Smile Day and of course we all want a gleaming smile, but how do you manage that when there are delicious red wines to drink and even more ...
2 October 2014

Stoptober: What really goes into a cigarette

This month sees Stoptober take place the campaign, supported by the NHS, encourages people to stop smoking for 28 days as they're more likely to give up for good then.  There ...
1 October 2014

Secondary breast cancer not known to more than half of people

Worryingly more than half of the population don’t know what secondary breast cancer is, despite the fact that it kills 1,000 women each month, according to a new survey. Secondary breast ...
1 October 2014

8 ways to be healthy at your desk

It's quite obvious that sitting down at a desk all day is not particulary good for your health, but do you know just how bad it actually is?  According to a ...
30 September 2014

Are you fearful of fat for the wrong reasons?

For too long we’ve believed that eating fat is bad for our health and waistline, but when in actual fact, healthy fats are essential for good health. Leading health and nutrition ...
29 September 2014

Heart-healthy environments are a priority

On World Heart Day today, more than a thousand people have signed a global petition calling for heart-healthy environments to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD, which includes ...
29 September 2014

3 tips for an effective warm up

When it comes to exercising, most people pay cursory attention to warming up. Yet according to top personal trainer Greg Brookes, warming up properly could increase the effectiveness of your exercise ...
28 September 2014

The 10 minute fitness workout that works

We all know that finding the time to workout can be difficult, but 10 minute bursts can in fact have a positive effect on your fitness and health.  They are quick, ...
27 September 2014

Eye yoga for National Eye Health Week

It's National Eye Health Week, and Austrian eyewear brand Silhouette are giving top tips to help people keep their eyes in focus. Not only is the eyewear from the brand super ...
26 September 2014

Five tips for a perfectly fitted sports bra

If you're working out and exercise a sports bra is an essential for any woman, as it's National Fitness Day we thought when better to share these essential tips.  Research from ...
26 September 2014

Four foods to help increase muscle tone

It’s National Fitness Day and whilst most think that plenty of exercise will help perfect a toned body, it actually takes good nutrition too. A combination of cardio, strength and resistance ...
25 September 2014

Exercise may not be as healthy for you as you think

We’re consistently being told to exercise more and increase activity, but could it in fact have a detrimental effect on our health? New research shows that people drink more alcohol on ...
25 September 2014

Going up a skirt size could increase breast cancer risk

Long-term weight gain has been linked to a 33% greater post-menopausal breast cancer risk, according to new research. Weight gain has long been associated with cancer risks, but now research published ...
24 September 2014

The biggest diet spots in the UK

The country’s biggest dieting spots have been revealed as men and women try to fight the flab and get to a healthy weight. The survey revealed that while women go on ...
24 September 2014

The importance of hydration during pregnancy

During pregnancy most women are likely to pay more attention to living healthily and eating a healthy diet, but there is a chance that they may still overlook a key ...
23 September 2014

3 of the best new post work-out pick me ups

Doing the exercise is important, but it's also vital that you refuel your body properly afterwards - essential for muscle recovery.  Here we have three new post workout products that will ...
23 September 2014

People unaware that low-sugar foods may be high in calories

Health-conscious consumers may be trying to better their health and nutrition but unaware that low-sugar foods may actually be higher in calories, according to new research. A poll found that more ...
22 September 2014

National Eye health week: Importance of regular sight tests

You’re putting your sight at risk by not attending regular eye checks, that’s the short of it. We need to see opticians regularly to keep in check of our eye ...