
24 October 2014

How safe are your exercises?

Precautions should always be taken when exercising as it can do significant damage to your muscles and joints, but what moves exactly are doing this? Just because the body can perform ...
24 October 2014

Stay healthy this autumn by eating well

Prevent coughs and colds this autumn by eating well – a balanced diet is an important part of maintaining good health and can help you feel your best.  If you're under ...
23 October 2014

How to have an active, healthy pregnancy

With many new mums under pressure to get back into pre-baby shape as soon as possible, the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) is advising expectant mums to create a fitness ...
23 October 2014

Obesity, smoking and stress more likely to cause heart attack than genes

Heart attacks have previously been thought to be linked to family history and genetics, but new research shows that this is not as strongly the case as once thought. It all ...
22 October 2014

Healthy snack: Almonds

Today is National Nut Day, run by Liberation Foods urging us all to feel the health benefits of eating nuts.  Eating healthily all of the time can be hard work, especially if ...
22 October 2014

Fruit and vegetable portions confusing Brits

Have you heard about the diet guidelines of 5 A Day? Of course you have, but do you know what a portion size actually is? New research shows that nearly two-thirds ...
21 October 2014

Health benefits of pumpkin seeds

Halloween is creeping up on us, in fact it's dominating the shelves of our supermarkets, but it doesn't all have to be about sweets and chocolate. When you carve your ...
21 October 2014

The answer to quitting smoking

Have you managed to quit smoking this Stoptober? According to new research, the key to successfully quitting smoking is by keeping it a secret. A new study from Boots UK ...
20 October 2014

Bowel cancer: The health facts

Lynda Bellingham sadly passed away yesterday in her husbands arms after a long battle with bowel cancer.  She had been undergoing chemotherapy but said the time had come to “cease and ...
20 October 2014

Body anxiety traps millions of women in poor health

The pressure of trying to achieve an unrealistic ‘ideal body’ is trapping millions of women in an unhealthy cycle of depression, short-term dieting, cosmetic intervention and eating disorders, according to ...
19 October 2014

How to fight temptation of junk food

Junk food may not be good for our health, with very little nutrients, but that doesn't mean it's not to resist. It's everywhere. Junk food fills our high streets, TV adverts ...
18 October 2014

Healthy eating tips for autumn

As the colder months set in, we find ourselves turning to more stodgy foods which in turn leads to weight gain, so here we share some healthy eating tips for ...
17 October 2014

Stretch marks top pregnancy fear

During pregnancy there are plenty of ups and downs, from feeling nauseous to being on cloud nine with happiness. But the effects it has on your body afterwards is the ...
17 October 2014

How to find winter vitality

When the winter months come around shorter, darker and colder days can leave us wishing that we could hibernate on the sofa for the duration while having to power through ...
16 October 2014

How to learn to love exercise

We all know that exercise is good for us.  We join gyms, start running, buy home workout DVDs, all in the quest for a fitter, slimmer, more toned body and ...
15 October 2014

The experts explain PMT

PMT (Pre-menstrual tension) plays havoc with women's lives, according to new research by vitamin brand Healthspan and small changes you can make to your lifestyle could help.  Nearly a quarter of females ...
14 October 2014

Deadly blood clots brought to light on World Thrombosis Day

Every 37 seconds one person in the western world dies from a blood clot, and sitting for too long could increase your risk of forming one somewhere in your system. And ...
13 October 2014

Obesity crisis could take 10 years to sort

The obesity crisis took a new turn this weekend, as a new report revealed that nothing less than a cross-sector, 5-10 year strategy is required to tackle the problem. ‘Careless eating ...
12 October 2014

How to get washboard abs

The squat challenge is out the window for some women who have turned their attention to their abs. Washboard abs are certainly having their moment in the health and fitness ...
11 October 2014

How to deal with anxiety and stress

Mental Health statistics revealed by the Mental Health Foundation to celebrate World Mental Health Day (October 10) show that one in four people now experience some kind of mental health ...
10 October 2014

Empowering women to look after their own breast health

We all know that lifestyle difference can now help prevent cancers and looking after our breast health through lifestyle choices can really make a difference. Our breasts change in different ...
10 October 2014

Smokers have greater chance of catching HPV

Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of having a STI linked to mouth cancer three times, according to new research; which in turn significantly increases the risk of developing the disease. The ...
9 October 2014

Zoella helps support mental health charity

Zoella is using her Youtube stardom to help raise awareness for mental health, something you should be aware of. Zoella is the YouTube star and teen icon, real name Zoe ...
8 October 2014

Stem cells – do you know what they do for health?

Life and death is the big difference for patients with leukaemia and other blood conditions if they don't get a stem cell transplant - yet many people aren't aware of ...