Do you really need to eat more chocolate?

Do you really need to eat more chocolate?

Maintaining an acid-akaline balance it vital to our health, not only does it give us a stronger immune system and a greater sense of wellbeing but it can also result in weight loss, increased stamina and strength, according to Dr Robert O. Young, pioneering scientist.

Natasha Corrett, who has just launched her new book Honestly Healthy, Eat With Your Body In Mind - co-written with Vicki Edgson - shares her top tips for better alkaline eating.

Try these out and feel the difference from within.

1. Drinking coconut WATER, rather then plain water in the morning is a great way to fill your body full of great protein, healthy alkaline and refreshing minerals, ensuring your body is super hydrated for the days activities.

2. Try to snack on vegetables or nuts where possible throughout the day. Ditch the chocolate and crisps for fresh raw alkaline vegetables such as celery or a tasty bag of nuts such as pecans, walnuts or almonds.

3. After eating each meal, try to follow it with a drink of hot water with a slice of lemon in it. This helps to alkalise whatever you have eaten. 

4. Eating quinoa and Pearl Barley instead of heavier grains such as rice will provide you with slow releasing energy and help you to feel fresh throughout the week. Quinoa has the highest protein content out of al the grain as it is infect a seed.

5. By following a predominantly vegetarian lifestyle can assist your body into an alkaline state as meat is very acid forming.

6. Try choosing wholegrains over processed foods every time as they will nourish your body rather than deplete it of energy. 

7. Starting your day with a green smoothie this is a great alkaline way to boost yourself in the mornings, giving you a great kickstart to to the day.

8. Upgrade from cow’s dairy produce to either sheep or goat as these are alkaline when digested or you can even try delicious nut milks such almond milk and hazelnut milk these can improve your skins elasticity.

9. Where possible try to consume alkaline foods that are high in vitamin B3 which will help to boost your sense of confidence and self esteem, such as oats in porridge and flapjacks, spinach,kale and watercress.

10. Sleep is precious, and eating excessive amounts of acid-forming animal protein at night will interfere with the quality of your sleep.  Choose instead lighter alkaline protein sources to help you sleep such  as tofu, cashews, and feta cheese, to add to stir-fries, slow-cooker casseroles and salads.

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