Are you ready to make changes to your lifestyle?

Are you ready to make changes to your lifestyle?

Finding the willpower for a diet is a hard feat - sometimes it's just no there and we end up reaching for the takeaways in our failed attempt.

But what if there was a new way to think about and start a diet.

The latest diet tip hails from New York and suggests that we train our brain not to give into snacks, before we even start to think about the word diet.

Yes, it may seem like a lot of effort, but chances are if you're ready this, nothing has worked the way you want it to.

Eileen Daspin, author of The Manhattan Diet, told the Daily Mail Online: "Dieting takes mental power, not just will power. Runners train for a marathon. Yet, when it comes to dieting, people jsut start. Don't do this."

Eileen advises that before we start a diet, we should pscyhe ourselves up three weeks beforehand; with this we should be focusing on removing one of our favourite sin foods at a time.

This is suggested as scientists say it takes 21 days to break a habit. By doing this we'll give ourselves a better chance of our deired weightloss.

Eileen continued: "When you have isolated one food, make a commitment not to eat it for ten days. If you can go for that time, you can go for another ten. And another. By then you'll have broken the cycle. You might eat the food again, but the craving will be gone.

"You can train yourself not to want certain foods. For instance, even though I'm no longer a vegetarian, I rarely eat meat. I just lost the taste for it. You can re-engineer your taste buds this way."

What will you be giving up first?

Let us know how you get on in the comments below.

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