You don't always have to be overweight, make the change today

You don't always have to be overweight, make the change today

Don’t blame your kin if you can’t get rid of that extra baby fat.

While its generally accepted that genes play a major role in determining ones weight, Mike White,  head of Britain’s fastest-growing weight loss company Boossh, contends that it is possible to manipulate one’s genetic make-up.

“While genes do significantly impact our size and shape, several studies have shown that dietary and lifestyle changes can oftentimes override hereditary effects to a large degree,” said Mr. White.

This is excellent news for many new mothers who struggle to regain their former figures by shedding the pounds they put on while expecting.

White notes that many of his clients are young women who fall into this category.

“I’ve seen many women give up trying to lose weight and devolve into a sad cycle of comfort eating because they believe they are genetically doomed to obesity. Many times, they also accept the rubbish that many formerly-pregnant Hollywood actresses spew out about easily it was for them to lose weight because of ‘good’ genes,” said White.

Although the nature-nurture interactions are complex, White noted that a healthy diet and regular exercise can spur your genes to “stop working against you and start working for you.”

“Take the hormone insulin, for example.” said White. “Insulin is essential in allowing cells of the body to obtain energy from food and store excess energy as fat. Genes play a crucial role in determining how efficiently insulin operates in your body. Family history aside, your body can only work with the fuel you provide it with.

“By choosing the right type of fuel, meaning food, you can basically control how much insulin is produced and how your body will respond to it,” said White. “Together with regular exercise, you can reverse insulin resistance and defeat the genetic tendency to accumulate fat.”

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

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