Waiting for the bus. Making a cup of tea. Standing at the bar. We all know we should be doing our pelvic floor exercises, but how, why and when?

Health on Female First

Health on Female First

Every woman has a pelvic floor, but a lack of targeted exercise along with pregnancy and childbirth can weaken it.

That’s why lights by TENA have launched a brand new iPhone and Android app called ‘my pff’ – my pelvic floor fitness. Discreet and informative, it will expertly guide you through when, where and how to do your pelvic floor exercises without anyone else needing to know.

Qualified pilates instructor and member of the Guild of Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise Professionals Liza Webb says: “All women should do pelvic floor exercises every day. As a woman you have three holes in your pelvic floor, compared to men who only have two. This is why we often have a weaker pelvic floor and experience those little leaks.  Also if you have ever been pregnant your baby will have challenged the strength of the muscle. This app will make sure you incorporate a targeted workout into your daily routine.”

One in every two women will experience light bladder weakness. It is perfectly normal, is triggered by the simplest things and what’s more, it can happen to women of all ages. For 61 per cent of women these little leaks occur when sneezing or coughing, while a third of women find it happens when they laugh and a quarter of women experience it during exercise.

The benefits of a strong, toned pelvic floor are numerous. Not only will your confidence increase 10-fold, you can go for a run or explode into a fit of the giggles without worrying about those little oooops moments. It can even improve your sex life – a toned pelvic floor will heighten your sensitivity during sex, making the elusive Big O much more likely.

Pelvic floor exercises are the key to maintaining control, tone and strength. They are simple to complete and can be done just about anywhere, anytime and without anyone knowing.

Liza continues: “I always stress the importance of pelvic floor exercises to my clients. All women should do pelvic floor exercises every day. The My Pelvic Floor Fitness workouts will have loads of benefits . . . including extra sensitivity during sex, which is fantastic.”

‘my pff’ is the perfect application to guide women through their pelvic floor training. The free app reminds women when and how to do their exercises, has video classes, frequently asked questions and tracks each user’s progress.

lights by TENA marketing manager Charlotte Gorringe-Serrano says: “We want women to feel great every day and looking after your pelvic floor health is part of that. With ‘my pff’ and lights by TENA, women have the solution to light bladder weakness at their fingertips – they can get on with their day, feeling comfortable, confident and fabulous.”

For more information and to download ‘my pffvisit www.lightsbytena.co.uk/mypffapp

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