Women's Health

16 July 2024

I tried period underwear for the first time and here are my thoughts...

Though period pants have been around for a while now, I hadn't tried them until recently. I have used tampons for years now- pretty much since I started getting my ...

7 May 2024

A guide to egg freezing: What you need to know

Traditionally developed to preserve fertility for women undergoing cancer treatment and earlier menopause, egg freezing has also increasingly become a social choice for many women, aware of their own biological ...
14 July 2022

The impact of the menopause on our eye health

When it comes to the menopause, there are certain symptoms we all immediately think of. Whether it’s the dreaded hot flushes, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings or tiredness, most ...
8 May 2022

Women's Health: The benefits of period underwear while playing your favourite sport

Period underwear is nothing new, in fact it has been hot topic for a few years now. The idea that you can pop on some undies and that it will ...

3 May 2022

Bacterial Vaginosis: Five myths debunked

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is not only tough on the vagina but it can be tough to identify and therefore tough to get the treatment right. The symptoms are often confused ...

28 April 2022

Endometriosis: the menstrual ‘mystery’ that likely affects 1/10 people with a uterus

When it comes to the medical gender gap, nowhere is it more apparent than getting a diagnosis for chronic pelvic pain. Endometriosis, a condition where the uterine lining grows on ...

6 April 2022

How a freedom lifestyle is possible for you too by Freedom Business Strategist Jo Davison

If you’re feeling stressed, over-worked or short on time right now, the thought of having more freedom to do the things you really want to do, has probably crossed your ...

4 April 2022

How to be a LAZY Slimming World member (and still lose weight!)

If you are anything like me- you can cook if you absolutely have to, but hate it with a passion. Or sometimes you just can’t be bothered to follow a ...
13 May 2021

Seven reasons to use hypnotherapy to help with your sleep

Good sleep is essential for both our body and mind. However, sometimes life throws sleep curve balls our way, and when this happens, it can feel as though we’ve forgotten ...
30 March 2021

PMS struggles - Could period holidays be the answer?

‘That time of the month’ is always looming for us girls, and some of us have it a lot harder than others. From wanting to chomp through the entire share ...

16 March 2021

New research reveals the extent and impact of the UK’s needle fear

With one fifth of the UK population experiencing a fear of needles, research reveals that over 6 million people in the UK admit to having avoided a medical procedure in the past ...

1 March 2021

Don’t give up and don’t give in: How to prioritise your mental health post lockdown

With prospects and possibility of a summer abundant with freedom and fun, it is important not to get swept up with unhealthy mindsets and detrimental goals. While many of us ...
4 February 2021

Reusable Pads: Why you Should Consider Using Reusable Sanitary Pads to Save on Money

An average woman can use up to 16,800 disposable pads and tampons throughout her life. Sadly, sanitary waste contributes to water and land pollution, a factor that affects climate change. ...
13 January 2021

Top 6 MMJ Products for Female Patients

Medical marijuana has found commendable favor among females today. You might already be aware that many women use cannabis for pain management. But that is not all, for there is ...
26 November 2020

The strangest period myths from around the world

Yoppie, the pioneers of personalised, organic period care delivered through your letterbox, have compiled some of the weirdest, most wonderful and well, strange, myths about female menstruation from around the ...

27 October 2020

Seven psychological, physical and societal areas that have been impacted by the Coronavirus

GP and broadcaster Dr Zoe Williams shares the areas, many of which are health related, that have been most affected by the pandemic and offers her advice on what to ...
26 October 2020

Dr Dawn Harper shares her top tips for better mental health during lockdown

Dr Dawn Harper is a GP and Ambassador for Simplyhealth, which has launched a new free, health and wellbeing app, SimplyMe to encourage people to lead healthier lives and look ...
19 September 2020

The wellbeing of weaving

By Ellie Fisher  One of the most enjoyable things about teaching people how to weave is that, not only are you passing on a practical skill, you are passing on ...

15 September 2020

Seven things you need to know about mindfulness

Maybe you’ve heard about mindfulness and want to know what it’s all about? Maybe you’re not sure about the principles behind mindfulness or why it’s so important. I’m here to ...

4 September 2020

How mindfulness can help people manage low moods and reframe negative emotions

By Dr Megan Jones Bell, Headspace’s Chief Strategy & Science Officer We all experience sadness and low moods at points in our lives – these are normal human emotions. However, ...

14 August 2020

Mindfulness of dream and sleep

By Leah Larwood Mindfulness of dream and sleep is an approach developed by leading mindfulness teachers, best-selling authors and dream work experts, Rob Nairn and Charlie Morley. In a nutshell ...
30 July 2020

Study reveals strong association between menopause and symptoms of anxiety

New research conducted by Anxiety UK and Kalms has revealed a strong association between the menopause, perimenopause, and symptoms of anxiety. 85% of the 179 women surveyed believe that their ...

22 July 2020

The mental wellbeing of women in the aftermath of COVID-19

Women have been shouldering the majority of home-schooling and childcare responsibilities throughout the pandemic and with the school holidays now officially upon us there are even more demands ahead. The prolonged ...

14 July 2020

Drama student lives in constant fear that an extreme form of asthma will kill her

A 22-year-old drama student lives in constant fear that an extreme form of asthma will kill her, as the slightest exertion can leave her bedridden and breathing “as if she ...