Boot Camp in a bottle

Boot Camp in a bottle

Like many woman, over the years Cait Chidgey, 40 from London, had tried hundreds of different diets in pursuit of a slimmer figure, but to no avail. As the director of an event management company Cait leads a hectic lifestyle with many events focused around canapes and the odd glass of wine. Coupled with a busy schedule she found it impossible to lose weight, but with a glamourous holiday to Bali looming she decided to get tough on her weight-loss ambition once and for all.

Searching for motivation online she came across Boot Camp In A Bottle and the huge following it is already building up.

“The fact that it was all natural appealed to me most” she said. “I’d tried so many different meal replacement products and diet aids that were full of sugar and weren’t particularly healthy. I needed a kick start and I wanted to see results.”

Cait threw herself into achieving her weight-loss goal and carried out a week long ‘detox’, replacing most of her meals with nutrient-rich Boot Camp In A Bottle and making delicious homemade soups in the evening.

“After the first week on Boot Camp In A Bottle I lost four kilos. I couldn’t believe it. Having tried so many diets I knew there were no quick fixes and given the

“I was so surprised that I just didn’t feel hungry. It was easy to fit in around work and there were no side-effects. In fact, I felt amazing. I had more energy than ever, which encouraged me to do pilates and go for a running to tone up.”
name I knew it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park but I thought I’d give it a go.

Cait says the week-long detox really inspired her to lead a more healthy lifestyle in the weeks following. She told us: “I did a week on and a week off Boot Camp In A Bottle in preparation for my holiday, but the best thing was it really inspired me to be more healthy in general. I felt so good that I only really want to eat healthy food now, I’m more aware of what I’m putting in my mouth. As you are encouraged to have a healthy soup in the evenings during the week detox I began making homemade soup every evening and I’m now addicted.

“It was the kick-up the backside I needed to start a more healthy lifestyle.”

Cait lost 1½ stone (20lbs) over six weeks, dropping two dress sizes, losing 20cm around her waist and 8.5 cm from her hips. She says she feels amazing.

“Different things work for different people, but Boot Camp In A Bottle really worked for me. People I hadn’t seen for a while were really surprised. My hair is thicker and shinier, my eyes are brighter and my skin looks better. When you see the benefits why wouldn’t you continue to lead a healthier lifestyle? You just work that out for yourself. I continued to lose weight after I came off the detox.”

Since sliming down from a size 12 to a size 8/6, Cait says she looks and feels great and is a huge champion for Boot Camp In A Bottle. She believes others will see the same results. 

“I’m so thrilled that I tell everyone about the product because I just saw results so quickly. Sure, I still enjoy a glass of wine and the odd slice of pizza but I don’t want to ruin the hard work.

“I’m just a normal working woman, so if I can do it, anyone else can with a little commitment. And the best thing about it? You get to buy a whole new wardrobe.”

Boot Camp In A Bottle is available from a number of health food shops and pharmacies as well as online at

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