Eating a wide range of natural foods is the key to a healthy diet

Eating a wide range of natural foods is the key to a healthy diet

More people than ever before are going to their GP’s complaining of stress, depression and of generally being down in the dumps. Have we ever considered that the food we eat holds the key?

Notts County Football Club nutritionist, Matthew Lawson discusses different foods and how they can affect our moods. 

For the last forty years, after coming over from America we now eat more ‘junk’, fast and factory-made food. Processed food lack the vitamins and minerals needed to make enzyme-induced hormones that make us happy.

A chemical in the brain called Serotonin is released when we eat foods high in sugar. Sugar is a form of carbohydrate, which is turned to glucose in the blood. Problems arise when too many of the sugary foods cause a crash after an initial high, leaving us tired, frustrated and moody. The Glycaemic Index relates to how quickly this happens, slower releasing homemade food levels out blood sugars to keep your mind healthy.   

Eating a pre cinema meal before checking out a latest movie might affect the rest of your evening.

Action:  Boost the excitement by increasing noradrenalin production which increases your heart rate and dilates blood vessels. L-phenylalanine catalyses adrenalin and is found in chicken, beef, tomatoes, basil and cashew nuts.

Drama: Sustain interest and focus on the storyline by eating slow release carbohydrates and powerful flavours to maintain attention. Perfect would be white fish in a lemon sauce with brown rice, leeks, broccoli and cauliflower.

Romance: Become aroused! Eat cholesterol rich foods which turns into testosterone in addition to minerals Zinc and Magnesium. Stimulate this hormonal response with a creamy lamb curry with rice, coriander and garlic.

A tip to leave you feeling fantastic, try eating nine portions of fruit or vegetables in a day for three days and see how you feel. Don’t forget to enjoy your next visit to the Cinema, the food you eat could make the difference.

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