What do you eat for?

What do you eat for?

Our diet doesn’t just come down to the food choices we make, we eat to suit our personality and sometimes that’s to our detriment and other times it works in our favour.

Karen Knowler, raw food coach, explained at the Vitality Show that food is vibrational and every time you choose foot you’re putting energy into your body and this will impact on how you think and feel.

Karen encourages people to eat raw food, as it benefits everyone no matter what degree you eat it.

She also explains that we’re organic, we change, so as we do, so should our diet. And we need to feel more conscious to the choices you’re making.

So, what personality type do you have when it comes to eating? In Karen’s book she includes a questionnaire for you to determine what you are, but here we have an overview of the types and what it means.

You should be able to determine what personality you have and if you’re not happy with it, why not change it?

Karen explains that a type can be changes if you want to change.

The eating personality types:

Functional: These people eat for speed, ease and convenience.

Sensual: They eat for the experience of the food and usually moan whilst they eat.

Intellectual: Calories are usually at the forefront of their minds, and they process all of the things they’re eating like fat content. Usually quite a torturous eating habit.

Emotional: Eating food to make you feel better is the trademark move of an emotional eater. They eat in the moment and forget their emotional issues, but you have to remember that you won’t forget for a lifetime.

Focused: These have the most power when it comes to eating, they have mastered food and get clear results from the food they’re eating.

Intuitive: They’re driven to eat by how they feel in the moment.

Conscious: These eat for ethics and principals like vegan or local produce eaters.

Experimental: These try any food and usually have no boundaries when it comes to the food they’re eating.

Confused: Quite explanatory, but they’re confused by all of the information we’re pumped with regarding food, diet and nutrition.

Social: They eat to feel part of a tribe and surrender their own desires to fit into a group. 

by for www.femalefirst.co.uk
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