Keep fit with Hayley's tips every Monday

Keep fit with Hayley's tips every Monday

As I have arrived back in the UK from Los Angeles, I have brought back with me some wonderful knowledge in regards to keeping fit & healthy.

Hayley Newton

In America, I was lucky enough to have worked with huge brands such as P90X & the influential Jillian Michaels to name but a few. I was working as a trainer & fitness model for all the DVD's & infomercials running weekly.

There's definitely not many moves, or positions I haven't been squeezed into.

I think this gives me a healthy knowledge to relay back to my UK family how I can help you all keep slim & toned just like the movie stars.

LA is a fitness crazed city where everyone looks trim & tanned 24 hours a day. The secret? Hard work pays off. Busting at the seams with Gyms & physical training courses, working out is thrust into their systems. However, in England, it is definitely an "option" in which every person chooses to either adopt or forsake due to busy schedules.  The Biggest complaint is, "I just don’t have the time to go to the gym?" 

Are you a gym slacker?

People constantly ask me (even in LA) how I manage to sustain my figure. I, like you, am actually run off my feet as well, & through this downfall have discovered that when I couldn't get to the gym, the best piece of equipment I would ever need to get myself into peak condition was... my body. NO GYM OR MACHINES IN SIGHT! 

As Artistic Director of Italia Conti Arts Centre in Guildford my job is to make sure our students are fit for their hectic days & for the entertainment business when they leave. The Conti students are all an absolute pleasure to coach – so I am putting together a fitness regime that will give these young professionals a great warm-up that they can use for life….. and for life on the go… & more importantly where they can still enjoy the splendor & know how to work off the excitement they "gained" after ;)

As a girl who likes the champagne lifestyle, & we all know a little of what we fancy does you good, it's important to keep around some luxuries in life. But how does that reflect on our tummies?

So lets start with that glass of wine each evening ladies.  One glass of wine is 125 mls which contains about 92.5 calories. If you're the type of person, who needs to kick off your shoes at the end of each evening, switch on an episode of "Corrie" & throw back a glass of wine to relax, then I am here to show what you can do to  work it off. 

I'm going to start you off slowly... You're probably thinking I'm going to make you drop to the floor and give you 20 push ups blah blah... but I'm gonna ease you in. Here are a few options to burn off 100 calories of that wine intake you just consumed

1) Having sex for an hour 

2) Jump rope for 9 minutes

3) Running the stairs for 6 minutes

4) Cleaning (moderate effort) for 26 minutes.

Now I'm sure all you can think about is the sex for an hour. An HOUR. Yes I know, for the busy Mums & workaholics this is seriously an unlikely venture, however, there's no reason why we can't just shimmy it all around a bit. Let's try: Jump rope for 2.5 minutes (thats shorter than one song), running the stairs for 1.5 minutes, cleaning for 6.5 minutes & then only having sex for 15 minutes. Now that seems waaaaay more achievable. No sweat, excuse the pun.

I would like you to join me weekly on this column,  where I will  give you a workout where you don’t even leave your house or your daily routine...boom!!

You can stay up-to-date with Hayley all week through Twitter: @HayleySNewton and her website:

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