Christmas can also have huge benefits to your health

Christmas can also have huge benefits to your health

Always thought that Christmas was a time for indulgence and letting good intentions slip by the wayside? Well, don’t be too tough on yourself, you may be having a healthier time than you think.

Granted, most of us eat and drink more during the festive period but we do other things too and on balance Christmas might be just the boost we need. Here we take a look at some of the ways Christmas can actually give our health and wellbeing a seasonal pick-me-up.

Christmas foods

The type of food we eat at Christmas also has some amazing nutritional oomph. Make the most of all the nuts doing the rounds - especially Brazils for their extraordinarily high selenium content. Rich in disease-fighting phytonutrients called ‘glucosinolates’, the humble sprout also has powerful antioxidant properties. They also contain more vitamin C than broccoli or strawberries for a great immune boost. And don’t forget about your cranberry sauce too. “They contain fibre, vitamin C and the bioflavanoid, anthocyanin which has been linked to promoting proper eyesight and reduced risk of degenerative disease,” says Robert Hobson, Head of Nutrition for Healthspan.  For an extra boost, try a cranberry supplement which may help in the prevention of urinary tract infections.

Simply having fun!

Never underestimate the value of having a good time. According to research from the American Psychological Association, being happy can have as big an impact on your life as not smoking or taking regular exercise. Plus, new research from the Sahlgrenska Academy and Lund University suggests that it is our relationships that are more likely to make us happy, not material things. So whether it is having a laugh with friends and family, belting out some Christmas carols or simply enjoying the company of those dearest to you, you can add to your pleasure in the knowledge that all that joie de vivre will not only be making you feel good it will be boosting your immune system and your general wellbeing.

Having too much to eat

We certainly do more eating and drinking during the festive period than at any other time of year but, rather than berate yourself, let’s start by taking a moment to think about Christmas dinner. The Food Standards Agency estimates that people eat more fruit and vegetables on Christmas Day than on any day of the year. Even if you struggle to achieve your target of five fruit and veg on a daily basis you will more than likely exceed that recommendation on 25th December, and that has to be a good thing.

And don’t forget, Christmas dinner may be the one chance many of us get to catch up as a family and spend some quality time together. Thousands of column inches have been written about the negative effects of families not eating together at mealtimes. It seems such a simple request but can be difficult to achieve when parents and children’s diaries are so hectic, so make the most of sitting down as a family this Christmas.

Rest & relaxation

Christmas should be a time to relax and slow down a little. Forget feeling guilty about lie ins or afternoon naps over the festive break. Catching up on lost sleep is good for you. It will leave you feeling more refreshed and able to cope with life and will give your immune system a boost. In fact according to one study, taking a siesta could even lower your risk of developing heart health problems.

Get down and boogie

While there may be time spent slumped in front of the telly, this is one time of the year when work commitments are likely to be on the back burner. If you spend much of your time at work sitting at a desk, Christmas could be your opportunity to get more active. “No-one is suggesting that you force yourself into a gruelling fitness regime,” says GP and medical nutritionist Dr Sarah Brewer. “But a good walk after your lunch has gone down or an afternoon playing with the kids on their latest games could go a long way to helping burn off those extra calories.” And don’t forget all those festive season parties – you don’t need to be in a gym to be working out. A good stint on the dance floor could burn up just as many calories and is probably a lot more fun.

Realistic resolutions

Most of us will use the run up to the New Year as a time to consider our New Year’s Resolutions. Nearly all of them will involve a combination of eating more healthily, cutting down on alcohol or cigarettes and getting more active. Unfortunately most of them will also be distant memories by the end of January. So why not try something different this year? Forget promising yourself you will be a size zero by the spring or that you will spend an hour every day in the gym. Setting yourself a target that you can’t achieve will only leave you feeling negative when you fail. Small changes that are sustainable are much more likely to be successful long term and will boost your self esteem. 

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