Lorraine Kelly thinks her daughter is "probably better off" in Singapore than the UK amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Lorraine Kelly

Lorraine Kelly

The 60-year-old TV presenter thinks the country "really have a handle" on the virus - which has killed nearly 19,000 people worldwide - so she believes Rosie could be safer in the island state, where she lives.

She said: "In a way I think she's probably better off there. Because they really have a handle on it, and have from the very, very start.

"We, at the moment, are running to catch up. Everyone is doing their best, the government is doing their best, they're all trying their best.

"I've been heartened by all the stories of people going above and beyond. Not just the amazing NHS, but other people with random acts of kindness.

"It's a time where you suddenly realise what's important.

"Thank the Lord for FaceTime and all of that."

Dr. Hilary Jones agreed with Lorraine, admitting her daughter is probably "safer" in Singapore.

Speaking on 'Good Morning Britain', he said: "I think you're right, she's safer there.

"There's a smaller population, it's easier to control.

"Probably a population that's more ready to obey the authority. They have more respect."

Lorraine recently revealed her daughter had been self-isolating after experiencing "a bit of a cough", and she later said Rosie is "absolutely fine".

She explained: "She was sent home because she had a bit of a cough, but she's absolutely fine.

"Everybody coming into Singapore gets their temperature taken. And she was coming from Australia back to Singapore and everybody coming in or going out obviously gets their temperature taken.

"They've given the whole of Singapore a deep clean, not that it needed it."

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