Lorraine Kelly's daughter is "absolutely fine", after the TV presenter revealed yesterday (02.03.20) Rosie is "self-isolating".

Lorraine Kelly

Lorraine Kelly

The 'Lorraine' host reassured viewers the 24-year-old PR worker just had "a bit of a cough", and explained she had her temperature taken on the way back into Singapore - where she lives, and which has 108 confirmed cases of coronavirus - from Australia, but the TV presenter isn't too concerned.

Speaking on the show, she said: "She was sent home because she had a bit of a cough, but she's absolutely fine.

"Everybody coming into Singapore gets their temperature taken. And she was coming from Australia back to Singapore and everybody coming in or going out obviously gets their temperature taken.

"They've given the whole of Singapore a deep clean, not that it needed it."

And Lorraine believes people should remain "calm" but also use their "common sense" when it comes to the coronavirus outbreak.

She said: "Things are OK, they're all right.

"I think it's just about being calm, but also having common sense."

The 60-year-old presenter revealed on yesterday's 'Lorraine' that Rosie had taken the precaution to stay at home for a period of time in case she had the virus, because she doesn't want to infect anyone else.

She said: "My Rosie's got a cold. She's in Singapore, as you know, and she's self-isolating, right now."

Rosie's father Steve is flying out to Asia to be with his daughter during her period of illness and isolation, and he found London's Heathrow airport very quiet as travel to certain counties has been discouraged to prevent the spread of the disease.

Lorraine added: "My husband has sent me a few pictures from Heathrow as he's going over to see Rosie in Singapore. It was absolutely dead."

Whereas a cold typically causes congestion, a sore throat and a runny nose, coronavirus - which is known as Covid-19 - has different symptoms including fever, cough and breathing difficulties.

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