Yay! Andrew Stone

Yay! Andrew Stone

In this week's shopping task, Bob Righter has come to life and the housemates must attempt to behave as unpredictably as possible.

If Housemates manage to avoid living out eight of Bob's fifteen secret predictions then they will win a luxury budget for their remaining time in the house. However, If Bob successfully makes eight or more predictions the Housemates will fail this task.

What the housemates don't know is that the prediction challenges Bob Righter is setting them actually have no relevance to winning the shopping task. Instead, Bob Righter has written down his own predictions and hidden them in a suitcase in the Garden. Housemates have been told that two of them must guard the suitcase at all times.

Andrew and David have just been called to the Diary Room and asked to decide whether they would rather sing with Pineapple Dance Studio's, Andrew Stone, or to dance with him.

Clearly, our housemates have missed their Glee themed singing task from a few weeks back as the pair of them decided on a singing lesson and are now enjoying a karaoke session with Andrew Stone in the large task room.

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