Sam Pepper

Sam Pepper

Sam Pepper is OFICIALLY my favourite person in the Big Brother now, and I'm even going as far as to say I'm rooting for him to win the show… but I don't think feeling is mutual when it comes to John James, who left the poor guy in tears last night.

Sam was minding his own business when he heard John James, JJ and Dave sat in the bathroom slagging him off. The trio had spent nearly half an hour in the shower discussing Sam, but didn't realise they were being overheard.

Sam confronted John and said: "You are f***ing fake, I thought you were my only genuine friend in here and then you bitch about me like that behind my back." Before fleeing to the bedroom and bursting into tears.

John James couldn’t let it drop though and trailed Sam into the bedroom before screaming; "You f***ing deserved it, coming into other people's s*** you are the f***ing fake one."

As the tension mounted Sam said: "What a n*b, you two faced f***ing p****." before John James called to the diary room to try to calm the situation down leaving Sam crying in the bedroom.

Vote For Sam!!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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