Emily Scott

Emily Scott

Emily, don’t sit back. Or it will be a whole new meaning to ‘Emily’s got a hot ass’.

Model, Emily Scott’s arrival caused much excitement, particularly amongst the men of the camp.  Pat teased Mark.  “You little tinker” he said having caught Mark and Dougie chatting to Emily about the time that she lived in London.

“That fire’s looking good” said Mark, trying to change the subject.  “There’s a fire burning in your loins” teased Pat.   Pat pointed out that Emily’s skin was very fair.  “Makes a change from an Essex girl” retorted Mark.

Later as Antony cooked, Pat again teased Mark telling him that Emily was there to ‘spice things up’ as Jessica-Jane was engaged.  And joking with Emily, Pat also stirred things up by saying “Emily, don’t sit back.  Or it will be a whole new meaning to ‘Emily’s got a hot ass’. “ 
“I like that one” she replied.  “Mark, I’ll leave the rest to you” laughed Pat.


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