General Health

26 January 2013

Deceiving the doctor: 7.3 million Brits have lied to their GP

It seems we’re becoming more reliant than ever on the internet, so much so, two thirds of Brits now admit to surfing for symptoms and analysing ailments online before consulting ...
26 January 2013

Combat the January blues by giving

Looking for an easy way to boost your health and wellbeing? All you have to do is give.  New research supports the growing body of evidence that doing good, in all ...
25 January 2013

Cholesterol: Do you know your level?

Brits are in a cholesterol awareness crisis.   A report by Flora pro.activ revealed today that a staggering 70% of the nation are utterly clueless when it comes to their own ...
22 January 2013

Sleepless Britain: More than half say they wake up at least 3 times a night

Feeling sluggish and tired in the morning? Have you really had the best sleep you possibly can? Nearly a third of people feel their quality of sleep is poor and ...
22 January 2013

Eye health myths dispelled by the expert

Eye health is something that people often forget about, but it's important that we get regular check-ups to ensure everything is ok.  Dr Norden dispels the common myths that are associated ...
19 January 2013

Frankie Sandford announced as ambassador for mental health charity Mind

Frankie Sandford is the perfect new ambassador for the mental health charity, Mind, as she opened up about her own experience with depression last year.  The star says: “Mind is a fantastic ...
16 January 2013

Alternative smoking – electronic cigarettes

The first electronic cigarette was invented in the mid 20th century. Later, in the mid-90's, Hon Lik (China), an engineer and a chemist who had seen his father die of ...
16 January 2013

Third of Brits switch off from conversations they just can't hear

New research by hearing specialists, Hidden Hearing, highlights that a third of Brits admit to switching off from a conversation within the first 30 seconds, simply because they can’t hear. “Switching ...
15 January 2013

Drink launched to reduce early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

The once-a-day drink has been launched after more than ten years of research and clinical trials that show it could have significant benefits for those diagnosed with early-stage disease. Souvenaid (a 125ml ...
6 January 2013

Quit smoking for good this January

Almost one in five current smokers admit their last quit attempt failed in less than 24 hours, with 55 per cent of quit attempts lasting less than a week. Perhaps ...
6 January 2013

Love your liver: Get it tested now

Liver disease, now the fifth biggest killer in the UK, has increased in the past year as British culture continues to embrace the daily consumption of alcohol and unhealthy food ...
4 January 2013

The 31 ways to Live young

January is usually about the detox but what about doing something each day to make you feel younger and happier? evian have been workin with UCL psychologist Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic to ...
4 January 2013

Michelle Collins: Health interview

How long were you a smoker? I started smoking at 15 years old and carried on until I fell pregnant at aged 34. After the birth of my daughter Maia I ...
3 January 2013

How to stick to your New Year's Resolutions

Making a New Year's Resolution is a standard practice for the start of January but almost 4 in 10 people have given in within 2 weeks.  Of those that plan to ...
2 January 2013

Healthy Habits for 2013

Top up your Omega-3s with krill oil We all know that Omega-3s are good for our bodies but how many of us actually eat oily fish regularly or take a supplement? ...
31 December 2012

New Year’s Resolutions – Will you be another statistic?!

How many of us start the year with the best intentions – learning a language,  climbing a mountain, or just losing a bit of weight – only to get to ...
31 December 2012

If you make one resolution… make it to health-check-yourself

AXA PPP healthcare is asking people to take the time to think about what ‘normal’ feels like for their own body, and to seek medical advice if they think something ...
30 December 2012

A happy new healthy year with these tips

Sick and tired of feeling deflated after your New Year’s resolution has failed, and your wish to become a slimmer, healthier, cleverer you seemingly hasn’t materialised? Want some guaranteed results ...
28 December 2012

Type 2 Diabetes: Everything you need to know

What is diabetes? Insulin is a hormone produced by part of the pancreas, a large gland located behind the stomach. Insulin controls the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood. It moves glucose from the blood ...
26 December 2012

Beating the Binge

As New Year’s Eve approaches most people are more concerned about what they’ll be wearing, where they’ll be going – perhaps even who they’ll be kissing as the clock strikes ...
24 December 2012

How to avoid a hangover

With Christmas and New Year revelry looming, a hangover is most certainly on the cards for many of us. But is there anything we can do to help prevent a pounding ...
23 December 2012

How to avoid drinking to excess this Christmas

Drink less this Christmas and be surprised at the difference it makes. Most days of the year, you wouldn’t dream of opening a bottle of champagne for breakfast. But for many ...
21 December 2012

Beat a cold in 24 hours

For anyone struck down with a runny nose, fever, cough and aching muscles, it can seem like a day off work in bed is the only option. But for those ...
20 December 2012

88% of drinkers avoiding excessive festive temptations

The majority of Brits who drink will take action to resist the temptation to drink to excess this Christmas, by making efforts to stay in control of their drinking, reveals ...