Don't make unrealistic goals, you'll set yourself up to fail

Don't make unrealistic goals, you'll set yourself up to fail

We are all guilty of making unachievable New Year’s resolutions and then giving into temptation before January is out. So this year, instead of setting unreachable goals, why not pledge ‘new year, old you’ and get back to your old self?

Whether it’s shifting those few festive pounds or fitting into last summer’s wardrobe, now is the time to get re-motivated and take a fresh look at your diet.

Atkins nutritionist, Linda O’Byrne says: “Most people are over ambitious when setting their New Year diet goals and so are destined to fail. 

“Rather than aiming to lose two stones by summer, set smaller targets, such as getting back to your pre-Christmas weight, or fitting into a favourite pair of jeans, which are far more achievable.

“These small victories will spur you on and help you get into a healthy routine, not just as a New Year’s resolution, but for life.”

Here, Linda shares her easy tips on to kick start the diet and get back to the “old you”.

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