Get fit in the New Year and stick to it with these tips

Get fit in the New Year and stick to it with these tips

Getting fit is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. But it’s also one of the hardest to commit to and maintain and is often broken quickly as a result. 

Gym memberships soar in January as people start their regime, but many start to fade in February and by March motivation and commitment have all but disappeared. 

It’s a familiar tale and there are two main reasons why many people fail to keep their fitness resolution for long according to Joe Turner, personal trainer and lead tutor at 

“People often fail in their fitness attempt because they don’t set a realistic programme and start out doing too much too quickly.  This leads to injury or fatigue and, understandably, they give up on their plan,” says Joe.  “Another key reason people don’t fulfil their fitness goals is that they lose motivation over time.”

The good news is that with the right guidance and motivation, New Year resolutions to get fit can be achieved.

Joe’s Top Tips for New Year fitness resolution success

1)      Ask a personal trainer to devise a realistic programme for you: make sure they have a REPs qualification and ask to speak to some of their clients for a reference

2)      Change your programme every four to six weeks

3)      Set precise goals – eg ‘I want to lose 10 kilos in four weeks’ not ‘I want to lose weight’ or ‘I want to run 5K in four weeks’ not ‘I want to start running’.

4)      Seek advice on the right nutrition – the best exercise routine will fail if your diet is poor

5)      Find a training buddy and commit to get fit together: some personal trainers will train two or more people together at a reduced rate per person

6)      Tell others what you’re doing – in person and on Twitter and Facebook – this makes you accountable

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