Going for a quick run in the morning will certainly make you more alert

Going for a quick run in the morning will certainly make you more alert

The thought of getting up earlier than we already do to fit in a workout may bring blood to some people's ears. But squeezing in a little bit of exercise will leave you feeling refreshed and energised for the long day ahead.

Follow these steps and you're bound to find a way to workout in the morning before you head to the grind:


Yes, obviously don't forget to set your alarm a little earlier than normal. But move it to across the room so you have to get out the bed to turn it off. Once you're out the bed, you'll feel guilty returning to it and there will be no point to 'snoozing' for five minutes.


Pack your bag the night before if you're heading to the gym. If you're working out at home or running/jogging locally then you obviously don't need to worry about this.

Don't leave it till the morning, it will only give you another excuse to not go in the morning. 


Eating a banana before a workout is the best thing you could possibly do. It provides the energy to keep you going for 90 minutes. Allow at least 20 minutes before eating and exercising though.


Don't drink alcohol the night before a workout, as it will only leave you feeling sluggish. Again, another excuse to stay in bed for that little while longer.


Remember you're getting up earlier so you'll need extra rest in the evening. Going to bed earlier than normal will make sure you still get the right amount of sleep to function at a normal level the next day.


And finally, plan. Plan exactly what it is you want to achieve the next day, whether it's a 10 minute run, a little weight lifting or an hour in the gym. If you manage to carry out your plan it'll leave you with a great sense of achievement that will follow you around all day.

Femalefirst Taryn Davies. 

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