Enjoy getting in shape this year

Enjoy getting in shape this year

Getting into shape takes time and effort and sometimes we all need a little help.  

Here we have the top fitness tips from Boutique Sport Glambassador and personal trainer PT Mollie. 

Ultra competitions- Gone are the days of running a simple old 5K.  People are now participating in races that are made up of obstacles with mud, fire, and electric fences.  Triathlons are becoming more popular too, are as marathons.  Go hard or go home.

Community-based fitness- Running clubs (such as Run Dem Crew in London), Beach Body coaches, and CrossFit ‘boxes’ bring together like-minded people who share a similar passion- fitness.  With this community, you have accountability and a friendly chat to distract you from the strain of the last few reps

Outdoor cycling- Thank the Olympics and Victoria Pendleton for bringing this amazing sport to the forefront.  It is not just for boys any more.  Cycling is perfect for those who need a lower impact sport but still want a challenge.  It also is a fantastic to commute- saving you time and money

Hiring a personal trainer and dietician- If you have specific goals (such as toning your arms in time for vest season, showing off your killer legs in your favourite stilettos,  or getting rid of a baby belly) a personal trainer will get you there quickly.  You can even find trainers that will come to your office or home.  Nutrition plays a huge role in body shape, so putting your money where your mouth is will be worth every pence

Bang for your buck-  People are strapped for time.  Fitness studios recognize this and offer powerful 30 minute classes that will whip you into shape.  Vibration training with a Power Plate is as effective as 3x as long a session in the gym lifting weights.  You can also get a double whammy with treadmill and strength training class (=cardio and weights), such as Frame Camp at Frame Fitness and Dance Studios in Shoreditch

As always, find the trend that works for you based on your goals, time and budget.  Make 2013 your year to conquer it all. 

Visit Boutique Sport at  http://www.boutiquesport.com for access to exclusive free fitness sessions such as Hot Pilates every other month

www.ptmollie.com   @PTMollie

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