
20 October 2024

Laser test can detect dementia in seconds

A new laser test can spot dementia in seconds. Researchers at the University of Southampton have developed the test using a new technology called Multi-excitation Raman spectroscopy (MX-Raman) and initial trials ...

20 October 2024

Neanderthal gene makes fish and chips such a popular dish

Cavemen loved the taste of fish and chips. Experts have found that Neanderthals and cavemen possessed the same gene that makes modern humans crave carbohydrates like potatoes. The AMY1 gene speeds up ...

20 October 2024

Standing up for too long could prove deadly

Standing upright for too long can be fatal. Experts have long warned that spending much of the day sitting down raises the risk of various health issues but new research argues ...

20 October 2024

Video games reduce brain age more effectively than exercise

Playing video games makes the brain younger - but exercising does not. Those who regularly play games such as 'Grand Theft Auto' and 'Minecraft' were found to have the mental ability ...

4 October 2024

Mount Everest is still growing

Mount Everest is getting taller every year. Researchers have discovered that the highest mountain in the world continues to grow by about two millimetres per year because it is being pushed ...

4 October 2024

Study shows that Brits are healthier than those in the US

Brits are healthier than Americans. A new study involving thousands of people aged in their 30s and 40s from both sides of the Atlantic found that adults in the US were ...

4 October 2024

Second meteor crashed into Earth at the same time as dinosaur-killer asteroid

The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs was not alone. Scientists in Scotland have established that the Nadir crater discovered at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in 2022 was left ...

4 October 2024

Loch Ness skipper believes he has found proof of the monster's existence

An experienced boat skipper claims to have found proof that the Loch Ness Monster exists. Shaun Sloggie captured the shape of a mysterious object on sonar while he was cruising in ...

3 October 2024

Good friends are all you need for a happy life

A good group of friends is the secret to a happy life. Experts have found that there is a "particularly strong link" between contentment and having stable friendships - with the ...

3 October 2024

Moon temperatures fell during Covid lockdown

Temperatures on the Moon dropped as a result of the coronavirus lockdown. Researchers have found that nighttime temperatures on the lunar surface fell drastically at the height of the pandemic from ...

3 October 2024

Dogs make humans slow down speech when giving commands

Humans slow down their speech when talking to dogs. A study shows that people have adopted "dog-directed speech" because slower utterances are more likely to be registered by pooches. Researchers found that ...

3 October 2024

Dolphins 'smile' at their playmates

Dolphins 'smile' at each other while playing together. The animals are renowned for their playful nature and scientists in Italy have now realised how they use the 'open mouth' facial expression ...

2 October 2024

People split over Fanta's questionable new flavour

Fanta's "questionable" new flavour has split fans. The fizzy drink brand has brought out a special 'Beetlejuice' Fanta inspired by the classic 1988 movie - but not everyone is convinced it ...

2 October 2024

Republicans slam 'deplorable' Donald Trump nude statue

A statue of a naked Donald Trump has been branded "deplorable" by Republicans. The giant effigy of the former United States President - which stands 43 feet tall - has been ...
2 October 2024

Woman wins over half a million dollars on lottery but life 'has fallen apart'

A woman who won $600,000 on the lottery claims her life has become a "nightmare". A Reddit user has revealed how she bought a lottery ticket on a whim and only ...

2 October 2024

People warned not to clean old coins and why mistakes could be worth thousands

People have been warned not to clean their old coins because they could be worth a small fortune. A TikTok user explained that due to the amount of coins made each ...

1 October 2024

Seeming concerned in gossip makes a person more likeable

Lacing gossip with concern makes others see you as more likeable. Scientists in the US have found that sprinkling a sense of worry instead of nastiness while sharing a juicy story ...

1 October 2024

Rockets fuelled by metal could transform space exploration

Rockets fuelled by metal could make "never-ending" space exploration possible. Space experts are convinced that material mined on comets and moons could be used to help spacecraft get to "regions of ...

1 October 2024

Fathers can pick out their children based on smell

Dads can detect their children through smell. A new study conducted by the Technical University of Dresden in Germany found that fathers were able to correctly pick out the odour of ...

1 October 2024

Cheek test could tell someone how long they've got left to live

A simple cheek test could calculate how long a person has left to live. Scientists have discovered a "cheeky" method of estimating a patient's risk of death by using cells found ...

30 September 2024

Scientists are attempting to bring the dodo back to life

Scientists are working on a "de-extinction" plan to bring the dodo back to life. The flightless birds died out over 350 years ago but Beth Shapiro, the chief scientific officer at ...

30 September 2024

Cow manure could save Earth by improving soil quality

Cow manure could save the planet. Cattle are seen as detrimental in the fight against climate change as methane from their burps and farts makes up 14.5 per cent of Earth's ...

30 September 2024

Playing with dogs increases a child's 'love hormone'

Children's 'love hormones' surge when they play with dogs. Scientists have found that kids get a burst of the hormone called oxytocin when interacting with pooches. Oxytocin is released into the bloodstream ...

30 September 2024

Coca-Cola may have to change its name due to ancient Colombian tribe claim

Coca-Cola could be forced into a name change by an ancient tribe. The indigenous Nasa people of Colombia say that they discovered the medicinal qualities of the coca leaf and the ...