
16 August 2024

Four cups of coffee per day is the safe limit for human hearts

Four cups of coffee a day is the safe limit for the heart. A study found that consuming over 400mg of caffeine per day - equivalent to four helpings of the ...

15 August 2024

Computer algorithm can diagnose diseases by studying tongue colour

A computer programme could diagnose diseases by analysing the colour of somebody's tongue. The algorithm has been developed by researchers from Iraq and Australia and has achieved a 98 per cent ...

15 August 2024

Stressful jobs put employees at risk of heart problems

A stressful office job doubles a person's risk of suffering from a serious heart problem. A study has found that workers in stressful positions who feel undervalued were 97 per cent ...

15 August 2024

Zapping 'random noise' at brain could stop people from emotional eating

'Random noise' fired at the brain could prevent emotional eating. Scientists have found that using electrical brain stimulation for 20 minutes per day on six occasions reduces appetite, willingness to eat ...

15 August 2024

Indian YouTuber jailed for cooking peacock curry

An Indian YouTuber has been arrested after he cooked and ate a peacock. Kodam Pranay Kumar sparked outrage by uploading a video that showed him eating a curry made from the ...

14 August 2024

Scientist fires warning to humans about space communication

An astronomer has urged caution about sending messages into space. Adam Frank has warned that humans "don't know what's out there" and compared trying to communicate with extraterrestrials to "sticking your ...

14 August 2024

Children should play outside to avoid the need for glasses

Children should play outside to avoid having to wear glasses. A study has found that spending just 15 minutes outdoors per day can slash the risk of short-sightedness occurring in youngsters. Researchers ...

14 August 2024

Australians outlive citizens of other English-speaking countries

Moving to Australia can extend your life. A study has found that people Down Under outlive those in other wealthy English-speaking countries including the UK, the US and Canada. Life expectancy is ...

14 August 2024

Mediterranean diets ease stress and anxiety

A Mediterranean diet can improve your mental health. It has long been established that eating foods like fish, olive oil, whole grains, and tomatoes will do wonders for physical wellbeing ...

13 August 2024

School worker jailed for nine years after $1.5 million chicken wing theft

A school worker has been sentenced to nine years in jail for stealing $1.5 million worth of chicken wings. Vera Liddell stole the meat intended to go to students learning at ...

13 August 2024

Ugly people live shorter lives

Ugly people die younger than the beautiful. A new study has found that less attractive individuals pass away sooner than better-looking counterparts with differences noted in both sexes. Ugly men died, on ...

13 August 2024

Cat owners are more lonely and anxious

Cat owners are more lonely and anxious than those who have dogs. Experts in Australia have found that those with pet felines are more neurotic than dog owners - suggesting that ...

13 August 2024

Water trapped in Mars crust raises hopes of Red Planet life

Water could be trapped deep inside the crust of Mars. NASA scientists have discovered a reservoir of liquid water on the Red Planet that has increased hope of discovering other forms ...

12 August 2024

AI robots won't destroy the human race

AI robots are unlikely to wipe out the human race. Experts have claimed that artificial intelligence cyborgs are unable to learn independently or acquire new skills and "pose no existential threat ...

12 August 2024

Scientists replicate Julius Caesar's sweaty perfume

Scientists have recreated the perfume of Julius Caesar. The Roman dictator is believed to have worn a fragrance called 'Telinum' that was made from flowers, fruits, oils and 'gladiator sweat'. A team ...

12 August 2024

Classical music lifts a listener's spirits

Listening to classical music can improve a person's mood. The works of Beethoven and Mozart can release feel-good chemicals in the brain and triggers the organ's reward centre. The neurological effect improved ...

12 August 2024

Horses are cleverer than many suspect

Horses are a lot smarter than previously suspected. New research has shown that the animals performed much better than expected in a reward-based game as they were able to switch strategies ...

9 August 2024

A stable personality is the secret to a happy life

Personality could be the key to happiness. Scientists have attempted to answer the eternal question about living a happy life and have concluded that being emotionally stable and extroverted is more ...

9 August 2024

Horses's milk could be used to make ice cream healthier

Ice cream could be made healthier with horse's milk. Experts have found that exchanging traditional cow's milk for the equine alternative could bring a variety of health boosts. The team of Polish ...

9 August 2024

Two NASA astronauts could be trapped in space until 2025

Two NASA astronauts face being trapped in space until 2025. Commander Barry 'Butch' Wilmore and pilot Sunita 'Suni' Williams were due to have returned to Earth from the International Space Station ...

9 August 2024

Clever parrot breaks identification world record

A brainy bird has broken the Guinness World Record for the most items identified by a parrot in three minutes. Apollo - a four-year-old African grey parrot from Florida who boasts ...

8 August 2024

Racehorse poo can predict a winner

Racehorse poo can predict the animal's future success. A recent study analysed the faeces of over 50 thoroughbred foals during the first three years of their lives and it was found ...

8 August 2024

Aliens don't want to waste energy on Earth exploration

Aliens are too lazy to explore Earth. A NASA expert has suggested that humans are yet to encounter extraterrestrial life as the little green men have already achieved a "sustainable population" ...

8 August 2024

Lonely people are at greater risk of nightmares

Lonely people are more likely to have nightmares. A new theory has linked social isolation to an increased possibility of having bad dreams and adds to previous research warning of the ...