
27 August 2024

Singing Amazing Grace reverses heart disease effects

Singing 'Amazing Grace' can reverse the effects of heart disease. Scientists have made the discovery that performing the much-loved hymn for 10 minutes can help cure heart problems and also found ...
23 August 2024

Weekend exercise cuts dementia and Parkinson's risk

Exercising at the weekend is an effective way of preventing dementia and Parkinson's disease. Researchers in China have found that "weekend warriors" - who complete vigorous physical activity just once or ...

23 August 2024

Men are three times more likely to be thinking about sex than women

Men are three times more likely than women to have sex on the mind. A study has revealed that one in eight chaps fear they could be addicts compared to just ...

23 August 2024

Aliens could be purple instead of green

Aliens are more likely to be purple than green. Scientists have long thought that extraterrestrials were green like the colour of the pigment chlorophyll that enables oxygen to sustain life on ...

23 August 2024

Intermittent fasting can increase danger of colon cancer

Intermittent fasting increases the risk of colon cancer. A study on mice revealed that rodents who fasted for 24 hours prior to eating had a "profound" risk of pre-cancerous tumours forming ...
22 August 2024

Severe Covid increases mental illness risk

Severe cases of Covid raise a person's risk of suffering from depression. A new study has revealed how contracting the virus is connected to an increased prospect of mental illness such ...

22 August 2024

The Moon's south pole was covered in an ocean of magma

The Moon's south pole was once covered in an ocean of magma. Indian researchers say that the findings back up the theory that an ocean of liquid molten rock formed the ...

22 August 2024

Manuka honey can treat and prevent breast cancer

Manuka honey could both treat and prevent breast cancer. Scientists have discovered that the fancy breakfast spread contains compounds that are capable of significantly reducing tumour growth in the most common ...

22 August 2024

Army veteran takes record as world's most tattooed woman

A US Army veteran has become the most tattooed woman on the planet. Esperance Fuerzina has been recognised by the Guinness World Records after inking 99.98 per cent of her body ...

21 August 2024

Archaeologists make shock discovery about Neanderthal intelligence

Archaeologists have found evidence to suggest that Neanderthals were smarter than thought. Researchers from The Australian National University have been exploring the Abric Pizarro site near the Pyrenees mountains in Spain, ...

21 August 2024

Thai man bitten on testicles by python after sitting on toilet

A man was bitten on the testicles by a python in Thailand. Thanat Thangtewanon received a painful shock when the reptile clamped its jaws on his privates after it had been ...

21 August 2024

Eating ham can cause type 2 diabetes

Eating red meat raises the risk of type 2 diabetes. Research involving two million people around the globe provides compelling evidence of a link between meat consumption and the health condition ...

21 August 2024

World's oldest person Maria Branyas Morera dies aged 117

The world's oldest person has died at the age of 117. Maria Branyas Morera, from Spain, had lived through two pandemics and two world wars but her passing was announced by ...

21 August 2024

Beer brewed in space tastes better

Beer could taste better if it is brewed in space. Scientists have found that creating lager in microgravity - similar to the conditions experienced in orbit - accelerates fermentation, reduces unwanted ...

21 August 2024

Aliens implant microchips into abducted humans

Aliens secretly implant microchips inside people who have encountered extraterrestrials. Luis Elizondo - who once headed a US Government investigation into UFOs - has made the claims and explained that ...

21 August 2024

Earth days could last for 25 hours

Days on Earth could be extended to 25 hours. An additional hour may be added to the day as the Moon gradually drifts away from Earth - slowing the planet's rotation ...

21 August 2024

Video games improve mental health for players of all ages

Playing video games is beneficial for a person's mental health. Consoles are often associated with negative health effects - particularly for children - due to concerns that they can prevent development ...

19 August 2024

TV footage from the Moon could be shown during 2026 mission

Space obsessives will soon be able to watch TV coverage from the Moon. NASA is planning to transmit a play-by-play stream of life on the lunar surface when man returns there ...

19 August 2024

Parents should use comedy to build relationships with their kids

Parents who use humour have closer relationships with their children. A new insight into the effects of humour in parenting has found that adults who rely on comedy with their offspring ...

19 August 2024

Five hours per day in front of the TV raises dementia risk

Watching five hours of TV per day almost doubles the risk of dementia. A study has found that people who spend several hours each day in front of the box had ...

19 August 2024

Eating small fish helps females live longer

Women should eat small fish if they want to live longer. A team of researchers at Nagoya University in Japan analysed the intake of small fish - such as whitebait - ...

16 August 2024

Arts and crafts improve mental health in the same way that a job does

Arts and crafts are just as good at improving mental health as having a job. Scientists have found that completing creative activities enhances a person's sense that living is worthwhile as ...

16 August 2024

Sex in space is possible for astronauts

Sex in space is possible but is unlikely to be enjoyable. Experts say that spacemen and spacewomen could make love in orbit should they wish but are likely to face plenty ...

16 August 2024

Human ageing happens in two major bursts

Humans age significantly at two points in their lives. A new study questions the long-held belief that getting older is a gradual process after analysis revealed that two major changes occurred ...