
25 January 2024

7 things I’ve learnt since starting a new career as a writer in my 50’s’ By Liz Webb

In my 50’s, during Covid, I changed jobs again. I’d originally worked as a stand-up comic, but had been a BBC radio-drama producer for ten years at that point. Then ...
17 January 2024

Five Things about the Detective Ellie Reeves series by Rita Herron

2. Why all the folklore? I’ve always been intrigued with southern storytelling and folklore of specific areas and places because they bring the culture and history alive and make the ...
16 January 2024

Tips to Keep Track of Your SFF Lore While Writing by C. L. Lauder

I write young adult sci-fi for two reasons: first and foremost, the idea that the Universe is populated elsewhere both excites and terrifies me (so I have to explore it!) ...
14 January 2024

The Garden of Lost Secrets by Kerry Barrett

1943 With her best friend having recently joined the Land Army and her mother lost in grief after the death of her father early in the war, Gloria is lonely. ...

14 January 2024

Trinity of Souls by Carl Bayley

After a near-fatal crash in the Scottish Highlands, Ben, an ex-army major with a passion for protecting the innocent, dreams of previous deaths. Visited by a mysterious stranger who puts ...
9 January 2024

Author Facts: 2 Romance Stigmas to be Grateful For By Kay Stephens

I have an embarrassing confession to make. As a fragile teenager, I used to carry around the great literary novels of our time and pretend to read them. From Aldous ...
22 December 2023


A UK charity has published an ‘anti-cancer’ version of The 12 Days of Christmas to help Brits stay fit and disease-free for longer. Killing Cancer Kindly says its scientific take ...
18 December 2023

Book Preview The Saved by Liz Webb

Liz Webb's much-antcipated follow-up to The Daughter, The Saved, promises more thrills and chills on the fictonal but highly atmospheric Scottish island of Langer. A dark and twisty thriller that ...

18 December 2023

Six Steps To Parenting A Child With Hidden Disabilities

Naomi Simmons, author of new parenting guide Raising Kids With Hidden Disabilities: Getting It, provides expert advice on how best to raise and nurture your child when they have a ...
14 December 2023

A Checklist of Holiday Musts in NYC By Deirdre Gartner

Christmas in New York starts with the culmination of the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade as Santa arrives at Herald Square officially marking the most joyful, magical and fun-filled time of ...
13 December 2023

The Amber Mehir by Jonathan N. Pruitt

Jonathan N. Pruitt's debut novel, dark fantasy The Amber Menhir, has already achieved bestselling status within weeks of release, and upon reading it, you can understand why. For its journey ...
8 December 2023

Joan Lewis on Writing Fiction Based on Fact

When I set out to write the story of  Tina’s life in Because You Were There, I wanted to achieve two things. I not only wanted to inform as many ...
7 December 2023

Renita D'Silva 7 Things My Readers should know about me

Did you know that - I grew up in the picturesque village of Kallianpur near the coastal town of Mangalore, India. That - I now live in the UK, in ...
2 December 2023

A New Chapter: Making Finding a Literary Agent Your New Year's Resolution

As we enter December and the countdown to Christmas and the New Year begins, now is the time to start thinking about resolutions. For Britain’s growing number of wannabe J.K. ...

28 November 2023

Book Release: Because You Were There Joan Lewis

A stirring and compelling novel about the scandalous treatment of Windrush immigrants. In the 1960s and ‘70s a disproportionate number of black children who came to Britain were sent to ...

28 November 2023

Oops, They Did it Again: Q&A with Leading Book Publicist Palamedes

Britney Spears’ memoir and Richard Osman’s latest crime novel are boosting Christmas book sales, according to WH Smith. But behind every bestseller is a public relations firm whose work helps ...

23 November 2023

Book Release: Vita And The Birds by Polly Crosby

Vita and the Birds is the story of two women – Lady Vita Goldsborough and Dodie Blakeney from a dual timeline. 1938: Lady Vita Goldsborough lives in the menacing shadow ...

22 November 2023

The implications of AI on the Creative Industry By Lawrence Essex

Recently I was asked to speak as part of a panel discussion about how AI is impacting creators whose copyright-protected works have been used to train AI models, often without ...
20 November 2023

5 Top UK Book Publicists: A Contacts Guide for Authors

Of the many thousands of new books that hit the British market every year, only a few are seen on TV and in the newspapers and fewer still reach coveted ...

18 November 2023

My Top Tropes in Festive Romance Novels by Helen Hawkins

There’s nothing more romantic than Christmas time. And along with the festive romance novel comes a delicious set of seasonal tropes working not so undercover to help our two romantic ...

16 November 2023

Exclusive: Author Lesley Eames 7 things my readers should know about me

Lesley Eames, author of The Wartime Bookshop series (The Wartime Bookshop, Land Girls at the Wartime Bookshop, and Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop) shares seven interesting facts with her readers ...
16 November 2023

Christmas at The Wartime Bookshop by Lesley Eames

Alice, Kate, and Naomi want to keep the magic of Christmas alive in their village of Churchwood, but with a thief in the area and a new family that shuns ...
15 November 2023

Making a Case for the “Unlikeable” Heroine in Romance

My new novel The Palace at Dusk explores a messy, complicated office affair. As a young corporate attorney, Jasmine “Jae” Phillips promises herself that she won’t date anyone at the ...
7 November 2023

Seven Fruit-Loop Calamities I’d Like My Readers To Know About Me – Liz Lawler

Exclusive: author Liz Lawler reveals seven facts that she wants her readers to know about her. When I was ten I fell off a wall and chipped my two front ...